Sunday, February 2, 2025

Math-Poetry Blog -- An Invitation to Explore

      This post is a look backward . . . I have included below names and key words from posts prior to this one and going back to January 2024.  Clicking on one of the names or terms below will take you to a post (or posts) containing it.  Explore. . . and enjoy.     

Jonathan Holden    Against Infinity   From Fibs to Fractals,   Ilse Bing    Marian Christie    Ben Orlin    tetrahedron    AMS Poetry Contest    Feedspot    Math Blogs   Annie Dillard    city   New York    Vladamir Mayakovsky    AWM    E. R. Lutken    JMM    Jacques Roubaud    Myra Sklarew   Dead Poet    time   Lisa Martin   Nikki Giovanni    Washington POST   Association for Women in Mathematics    AWM essay contest   American Mathematical Society    AMS Poetry Contest    Katherine Stange    Ken Stange   Pythagorean Theorem    right triangle   Heidi Bee Roemer   STEAM poems   imagination   Marcel Danesi   precision   angles    poemverse    David Cohen   Scrabblegram   haiku   Gizem Karaali    Math Horizons   list poem  

There are lots more links to come ... read on ...  and contact me
          (joannegrowney (at) gmail (dot) com)         if you have questions . . .   

 Mike Ferguson   Martin Gardner   Jenna Laib,   Ken Whitely   RaffiBanff    JHM    Ursula Whitcher   Ada Lovelace    Meghana Ravi   Billy Collins   Poetry 180    Tom    Wayman   Howie Hua    Janet R. Kirchheimer   Le Hinton   Bloomsburg Fair    JoAnne Growney   Britt Kaufmann   Maya Angelou   Innisfree   Lynn Domina   Theoni Pappas   zero   AMS   Math Voices    Sara Stoudt   Walt Whitman   Angela Tabiri    William Wordsworth   Bridges Conference    cadae    Cliff Pickover    Daniel May   Richard Hamming    π     prison   Bridges   clerihew   E. R. Lutken    JHM   counting rhyme   Langston Hughes   Anaya Willabus    MoMath    Sarah Hart   film    George Csicery    AsapScience   film   George Csicery    Mitchell Moffit    pi     Padma Venkatraman    POETRY Magazine    Bridges Math-Arts Conference    Cento     Sarah Glaz   Kimberly Jae    Richard Berlin   Blaise Pascal       Mathigon    St. Andrews     Against Infinity    Catherine Lynch   George Csicsery   Gizem Karaali   Lisa Fauci   Luisa A Igloria   Trixie Batista   YouTube   Grant Snider   Bob Grumman   Sarah Glaz    AMS    FIB    Journal of Mathematics and the Arts   Jason Ma   Jim Simons   haiku   Johanna Franklin   D MacHale, "Comic Sections"    A.Word.A.Day    Anu Garg   Dava Sobel   Richard Blanco     Scientific American   Anu Garg   tangent   Sterling Warner   The Fib Review   Gregory Coxson    William Shakespeare    zero    climate change    Earth day   Britt Kaufmann     MAA FOCUS   Ricardo Martinez   Joseph Bertrand    Pafnuty Chebyshev   Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month   National Poetry Month   Elizabeth Rottenberk    Larry Lesser   AI     ChatGPT    Emmy Noether   St. Andrews    World Poetry Day   Amy Uyematsu   FIB   Gregory K Pincus   Numbers and Faces    Strange Attractors   Wislawa Szymborska   Amanda Gorman    Audre Lorde    Joy Harjo   Tracy K. Smith    Women’s History Month    Adrienne Rich   Tanya Khovanova   JHM   Journal of Humanistic Mathematics   Brad Walrond    Poem-a-Day   Marian Christie   Pascal's triangle   Association for Women in Mathematics    AWM    James Clerk Maxwell    Phillip Howard   Rebecca Kai Dotlich   Alice Major   Rattle    Sneha Madhavan-Reese   leap year    Nikki Giovanni   Groundhog Day    Poetry 180   Ted Kooser   Laura Church   Sunil Singh   Against Infinity    Carol Clark   Aditva Kolachana    Gizem Karaali    Suzanne Sumner   Victor Borge   Isaac Asimov   Bridges Math-Arts Conference    Bridges Poetry Anthology    Sarah Glaz   AMS Poetry Contest,   AWM essay contest

And, when you have time, explore more .  . .

When you scroll down through the right-hand column of the blog you will find a list of labels -- and clicking on a label will lead you to a blog posting that features that item.  AND  in this document (also available via a link just below the SEARCH button) is a list of topics and people mentioned in the blog from its start in 2010 to March, 2023.

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