Showing posts with label Rattle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rattle. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Rules that someone made up -- Is that MATH?

      As frequent readers of this blog know, I am indebted to many people for their contributions of poems -- their own and links to others.  An alert to today's poem came from Canadian poet Alice Major -- with previous contibutions to this blog found at this link.   The poem, "BOUNDARY CONDITIONS"  by Sneha Madhavan-Reese was published in the journal Rattle I offer, below, its opening and closing stanzas, followed by a link to the complete poem.

from   BOUNDARY CONDITIONS     by   Sneha Madhavan-Reese

                    who but men blame the angels for the wild
                           exceptionalism of men?   
 —Sam Sax, “Anti-Zionist Abecedarian”

       Along the border of any governed region, there exists a value which must
       satisfy its laws. This is a rule I learned for solving differential equations.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mathematics and Mexican Food

Recently Rattle posted a wonderful mathy poem by Diana Rosen entitled "Mathematics and Molé." Here's the first stanza:

     Mathematics and Molé     by Diana Rosen

     Numbers flicker in front of my eyes as
     I give him my full attention.
     Differential geometry explains the black hole, he says.
     It’s very obvious.
     I lean forward to catch his words,
     my chin in cupped hand,
     eyes intent on his, yet
     thinking of Mexican food.

     Mathematics is the language of science, he says.
        . . .

Rozen's complete poem is here.