Showing posts with label fourth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fourth. Show all posts

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dimensions of Discovery

Along the one-dimensional straight line
there are points and segments
but no curves or squares.
In the flat plane of two dimensions 
there are points and segments 
and circles and squares.
In the vast space of three dimensions 
there are points and segments 
and squares and spheres.
In a space of four dimensions 
there is more than 
we can imagine.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

13 lads of Christmas

     In addition to waterfalls and geysers and the Aurora, Iceland has outstanding museums.  On the morning of December 10, I visited the National Museum of Iceland in Reykjavik -- and enjoyed a careful introduction to the history of this fascinating and friendly nation.  Something I missed, however, was seeing one of the 13 Yuletide Lads that are an Icelandic tradition and who visit the Museum one-by-one on the 13 days before Christmas, each wearing traditional costume and trying to pilfer the goodies he likes best.