Showing posts with label motion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motion. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Phenomenal Woman

Yesterday morning Maya Angelou (1928-2014) left us. But she has not left us alone.  Her voice is with us, cheering us to be more than we were, to be all that we can become.  Places to read her words and words about her include (scroll down past the bio for links to poems),, The Washington Post, and Angelou's website.

Angelou's poetry is filled with the geometry and motion of womanhood.  For example: 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Geometry of distance

     Some of the poems herein arrive as gifts from friends.  Today's poem came via e-mail from Susan (a Californian whom I have gotten to know when she visits my neighbor, Priscilla).  Susan got it from Larry Robinson who connected me with the poet, Richard Retecki, for permission to post it here.
     As has been said in other contexts, It takes a village . . .    
     Thanks to you all!

     ascension           by Richard Retecki

               for Jonathan Glass

     the geometry
     of distance annoys
     is unfilled