Showing posts with label Grant Snider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grant Snider. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Invisible Poem

This cartoon, found a few days ago on Twitter (X), has reminded me of the role that both mathematics and poetry have in formulating the invisible.

Thank you, Grant Snider!

Learn more about Snider's collection, Poetry Comicsat this link.

Monday, December 5, 2022

All Together -- Humor, Math, Poetry

     Blogger and teacher Sue VanHattum (blogger at Math Mama Writes) has been a frequent and valuable contributor to this blog -- find stuff at this link -- and Sue has recently alerted me to a poetic posting that she found on Facebook -- written and drawn by artist-illustrator (and orthodontist) Grant Snider whose pithy and entertaining words and pictures are found at the website Incidental Comics.  Here is the opening portion of that visual-comic-poetic posting:

Opening lines of a visual poem by Grant Snider

Snider's complete "How To Be a Triangle" is found in Incidental Comics at this link.  Another recent posting -- "How to be a circle" -- is found at this link.